Here are two more pieces, plus details in my Paradox series. I think they speak for themselves, but should you have any questions, leave a comment.
I think instead I'll talk about some of the other effects the Alegre retreat, and my new work have had on me.
I don't know how many of you never thought you were able to draw. I mean really, firmly convinced that you COULD NOT under any circumstances put pencil to paper and create an image better than the iconic box with a triangle on it to make a house. I know I felt this way.
Then I took a drawing course that used the methods of Betty Edwards in "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain", and no I couldn't instantly draw. As a matter of fact the first several classes were very frustrating, but I kept going and kept doing the exercises. About 4 weeks in, I sat down to do an exercise and drew a very recognizable picture of a shoe, and not just any shoe mind you, it was my left shoe.
This was a breakthrough moment for me and I went on to finish the class and take several more. I immersed myself in drawing for about 9 months, and it was time well spent.
Back to the here and now, and Alegre. While attending this retreat, attending the workshop with Fran Skiles, returning home and continuing to work on this series, I find myself having a similar experience-another breakthrough moment. I feel not just changed, not just better at what I do, but more
evolved as an artist.
Yes, it is exhilarating, yes it is exciting. But it is also terrifying. I feel like I own myself, and someone/something else far bigger (I want to say the World, but that sounds way too pompous and I don't mean to be) something more than I have been giving.
So I will be working harder, answering more prestigious calls for entry, doing more of the business (ugh, ugh, yech) things that are required to climb to the next level.
In the words of the Sweet Charity song, "look out world here I come".
Don't say you weren't warned!